1. 目前興建中的,包括內湖線、三重蘆洲線、新莊線
2. 剛動工的,是機場線、環狀線
3. 有站名的,是細部規劃了,等經費下來,就可以興建的路線(通常是一條線快完工,才會開始下一條線)
4. 沒有站名的,是連細部規劃都還沒做的,只是有構想而已
5. 三峽台北大學屬於哪一種呢?八字還沒一撇的那一種!!!
汪志堅老師 目前為台北大學資管所教授,研究方向為網路行為、網路行銷、網路消費行為、網路心理學等。 Dr. Chih-Chien Wang is currently professor of Graduate Institute of Information Management, National Taipei University. His current research interests include online behavior, internet marketing, and cyber psychology Dr. Wang published more than one hundred articles (more than 30 articles in international journals) which totally received more than 700+ citations. H-index (author impact index) of Dr. Wang is 14. i10-index of Dr. Wang is 18.
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